Friday, October 8, 2010


Some updates:

Heather did well at SL Regional- here she is doing Physical Therapy...

She was transferred last week back to IMC.. She likes it MUCH better!!!

She is going against all odds.. surprising the Dr's and staff.. and is WALKING!! That's right.. she is walking all over the place.. her right arm is getting some movement back and she is as determined as ever.

I don't have a picture, but Candace came and gave Heather a hair cut..SO CUTE!

And the best news for last... Heather is going home TOMORROW! That's right.. they are discharging her from the hospital. She will continue physical therapy outpatient at TOSH 3 times a week.

Heather, we all love you so much! Prayers are answered- you are more determined than ever!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Check out who came to see his mama!!!

An update:

-- The trach tube has been removed - YAY !!

-- Tomorrow she will be moved back to IMC for rehab galore...

-- Her right side is responding- Physical Therapy feels very hopeful that things will work out just fine.

-- the feeding tube is next to come out..

-------- On another note-------------

Thank you, thank you to all of you who made the benefit concert a success! We raised quite a bit of money - thanks to your generosity!! Here are some pictures of the night:


Gina & Kristy (Heather's cousins)


Elaine + Blester= BLAINE

We love you Heather! You are amazing!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Just an update..

She has been moved here:

Promise rehab Facility- AKA- LTAC. Heather was moved here to start physical and occupational therapy to get the process moving with getting a little better and then she'll be moved back to IMC for additional rehab.

P.s. Sorry to those of you who have tried to donate via paypal on the right link.. I think it's fixed now.. any donations are appreciated!

Another friendly reminder- See previous post for the charity concert with Scott Foster!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Where were you 3 weeks ago???

3 Weeks ago today.. changed our lives forever. Heartbreak, tears, sadness, reminiscing, laughter, prayers..

Some updates:

We have had good days and bad days the last few weeks. Heather's numbers would be great (ICP's - see above for explan.).. then, they would just flip with no explanation. On September 8th, the Dr's decided to wean Heather off of her sleepy time meds and see how she does waking up. She continued on fentanyl (hardcore narc) in small amounts, but did great waking up. Her eyes were a bit cloudy but got clearer and clearer. She was focused and moving around her left side a ton. the right is still sleeping. So, things were well for most of last week.. they took out the ICP monitor

(Think "Matrix")

She was starting to look better.. the ICP's apparently were reading high because the sensor had moved around a bit..

Angiogram # Million came back and was good. A little area of damage, but nothing severe.

She started to respond to simple commands. Fist= No, Open hand= Yes

Then.. they decided it was time to remove the Vent tube.. well... didn't go quite as planned.. they removed the tube and instantly her throat swelled.. luckily, her Dad was in the room and ran out to get some help. They decided it was best to do this:

So, now she has a lovely new addition to her neck.

she is in good spirits. Pretty restless (wouldn't you be if you were laying there for that long).. but as beautiful as ever. The Dr's came in today and had to do a few more staples on her head to close up some of the incision from the skull surgery..

Physical therapy has been working with her, she gets frustrated but she is working hard. they are hoping to move her out of ICU on Monday and get her onto the rehab floor to start that process.

She is an amazing woman and so loved. She is lucky to be surrounded by amazing people taking care of her, Jax and Har.

*********** Just a reminder-

Hope for Heather Concert--- Friday, Sept 24th 7 pm

Germania Pavilion 5243 s. Murray Parkway (1072 w.)

The road is looking better, but she still needs prayers!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stay Tuned....

Scott Foster

Coming Soon.. Benefit Concert - "Hope for Heather"...

Charitable contributions....

With Heather having little insurance and having used most of it on her sweet baby Jax- we are asking for donations to help with medical expense- the info is on the right bar.. Anything helps!

Thank YOU!

A little Anatomy...

Day 12

So, I wanted to talk a little about the stroke that caused this event- Heather had what is called a "Hemorrhagic Stroke"--as illustrated here:

The neurologists decided to do surgery to relieve the pressure from the built up blood pressing against the brain. The bad news is Heather is NOT going to like her buzzed hair- the good news is the surgery was a success.

Each day Heather has faced so many challenges. From running a temperature to having high ICP's (Intracranial Pressure)- those should be below 20 and have run anywhere from 80's to the teens. She is being treated with Mannitol - which draws the excess fluid from her brain and moves it along in her system. On day 2 the Dr's decided to put her in a medically induced coma- they used a drug called pentobarb. This is the sleepy of all sleepy meds.. They discontinued Sunday night and she is slowly starting to gain consciousness.